Posts tagged playboy
Minneapolis’ Iconic Cheese-Stuffed Hamburgers, the Jucy Lucy, Ranked - Playboy (2015)

Everyone in Minnesota, even Prince, knows that the king of all cheeseburgers is the Jucy Lucy. A large part of this has to do with how, as a food, it allows us to let go of our Great Northern Restraint, tapping into a time before polite society and manners. To the unfamiliar, eating one of these things can feel a lot like killing an animal with your mouth.

At their most basic, the burgers are delightfully simple things: take two ground beef patties and stuff cheese inside instead of melting it on top. Most menus come with all-caps warnings about the inherent dangers of this beast. Molten cheese gushes everywhere. Grease squirts ruin shirts. First date food it is not.

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Sochi's History In Pictures, From Proletariat Retreat to Oligarch Playground - Playboy (2014)

When the International Olympic Committee awarded Russia the 2014 Winter Games nearly seven years ago, Vladimir Putin made it clear that they would be his pet project. Officially, these Games are intended to reintroduce post-Soviet Russia to the world, while serving as a personal, unofficial capstone to Putin's 15 years as the country's leader. They are also meant to turn the host city, Sochi (a.k.a. "the Florida of Russia"), into a premium tourist destination for the well-to-do world traveler. That, however, will be easier said than done. Despite Sochi's reputation as the long-time go-to spot for R&R (both among the proletariat and Russian elite), trouble is as much in the water as redemption.

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